A Secret Untold: Part X by: Thalisirwen

Legolas's tears troubled me greatly. I fear for him. For his health, his sanity, and his life. He has such heartache, yet will not speak of what troubles him. I fear that if his sorrow does not depart soon, he shall die of grief. I am beginning to believe that should this happen, then I too would die, and gladly.

More troubling was that the elven prince did not appear at lunch, nor dinner.

I forced myself to go, for although I did not want to eat I knew they would worry even more if I did not eat. Their worry is evident in the glances people gave Legolas's empty seat, it would only worry them more if I did not show either.

Arwen approached me as I left the hall, and asked me to accompany her into the gardens, to get some evening air. She led me to the bridge where she denounced her immortality only a few nights ago, declaring eternal love for me. Sitting down, she swung her feet over the edge of the bridge and motioned for me to sit beside her.

"I know you are troubled, Aragorn," she spoke softly like the wind, and looked me directly in the eyes. "I know also you will not tell me of what troubles you, but I think I know." She paused and looked into the water running below her feet, and took a deep breath. "You love another, don't you." It was more of a statement than a question. I looked away.

"Sorry," I whispered "Arwen, I did not mean it to happen." I blinked back tears as she gently turned my head to face her.

"Aragorn, I cannot keep something which is not mine. If your heart belongs to another, I cannot stop it. This was meant to be, so let it happen," she spoke with much wisdom, her likeness to Elrond showing through as she spoke.

"But.. .but.. ." I stuttered, putting a hand up to her necklace which she had given to me.

"Eternity is a long time to live," she said, knowing what I was trying to say. "I could not live that long, I knew that from the moment I was born."

I looked away again, trying to stop the tears building in my eyes.

"Arwen, oh beautiful Arwen, you are still in my heart," I said, ashamed.

"Only...only not as much as I feel for..." I stopped before I said Legolas's name. "You are like a sister to me, Arwen." I said truthfully, looking into her eyes.

"A sister I shall be to you, Aragorn. My brother in mortality." She smiled and squeezed my hand. "Do not worry about me. I shall remain here in Rivendell, and live as I choose: as a mortal. I shall not die from losing you, I shall die an old lady. And I shall be happy." As she smiled again she appeared more radiant than I had ever seen her, and I began to feel the weight lifting from my shoulders. Arwen looked deep into my eyes and spoke seriously. "You must pursue the one you love. Do not feel shame for your feelings, do not regret what has happened between us. our lives were once on the same path, now our paths go different ways, and so ends this chapter of life, whilst another begins. There are obstacles along the way, some great, some small. True love will conquer through all of this, you just have to find it first."

I nodded, my tears had dried up during her wise and beautiful speech.

"Aragorn, I believe you have found you true love. Now, as your sister, I am telling you to go to them."

"What about you Arwen?" I asked

"I must admit to you, my feelings for you are fading too," she looked slightly embarrassed. "I am glad you feel the same, brother." She smiled affectionately at me, and for the first time in ages, I smiled too. However, I wondered what Elrond would say. Arwen answered my pondering as if she had read my mind. "Do not worry about father, I will deal with him. Now, you must go to your love." She stood and pulled me up, pushing me back towards the house of Elrond. "Give him my love," she said quietly as I began to leave. Hearing her, I turned. "How did you...?"

"I saw something between you a few nights ago. I could not wish for you to love anyone else but him. Legolas is the finest elf ever to be in Rivendell." She smiled again, that was all I needed to know she was being wholly truthful.

"No Arwen, you are the finest elf in Rivendell...in the whole of middle earth. You are wise beyond your years, you are beautiful, you are just. You are my sister." I touched the pendant around my neck and her smiled broadened.

"Go now my brother."

I walked away, realising I was walking away from the only love I'd ever known, walking towards...towards what? Uncertainty. Possibly sorrow, possibly love. I prayed for Arwen, that she found her true love and lived happily to the end of her days. I prayed for Legolas, that his troubles would take flight from here and leave him. And as I neared the house, I prayed I was doing the right thing.

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