And the sky full of stars: Part II
by: Jen

The next day they started out towards the mountains. The road was easy for a time. Days passed and the mountains slowly grew in size before them. Caradhras. Moria. Lands they hadn't traveled since the years of the fellowship. To be so close to them again brought up memories from long ago.

"We will not pass through Moria." Legolas said.

"Indeed." Gimli said. "One trip through those mines was enough for me."

"I never thought the day would come when you would pass up a chance to explore the nearest cave." Legolas said.

"The cave does not worry me. What may be inside does." Gimli said.

"Gandalf said it had been destroyed." Legolas said.

"Yes, and if Gandalf were here now, he alone would be the only person to convince me to pass through those gates again. Though the thought of climbing Caradhras isn't much better a choice." Gimli said.

Legolas got off his horse.

"Then let us stay here tonight." Legolas said. "The smell of the orc is getting stronger, we will pick up the trail tomorrow or the next day. Perhaps they will lead us to neither Caradhras or to Moria."

"If so, remind me to thank the orc as I slay them, for so easy a trip." Gimli said.

Legolas laughed.

The next day, Legolas had no trouble picking up the trail of the orcs. And to Gimli's delight they headed neither towards Moria nor to Caradhras. But followed along the eastern rim of the mountains. Only one hard days journey was required of them. They followed the trail over the rim into the fertile valley between the mountains.

After that, the trail grew easier to follow. Trampled ground made an obvious path through the grasses. And the air was cool and clean. But the land, which was once inhabited by farmers lay abandoned.

Once thriving farms along the valleys of the mountain lay deserted. It's owners moving into the nearest villages many leagues away. Some farms lay in ruins, victims of orc attacks. Others were intact, but boarded up and left for better days.

"Aragorn will not be happy when he hears of this." Legolas said, as they checked each abandoned home. Occasionally finding dead bodies they had to stop and bury them.

"He will not. And if I find these orcs I shall not need to wait for an army, I will take them all on myself." Gimli said.

A day passed, a week, they followed the trail of destruction towards the end of the valley.

On the northern end of the valley lay a small forest. Not near in size to Fangorn, or Mirkwood. This was only a mile wide. Protected on three sides by the rising mountains, which narrowed as it came near the small forest. It was a perfect stronghold. Legolas and Gimli scouted out the lands.

Legolas looked long into the distance. "The gates I see guarding the forest are those made by men, not orc. The trail of the orcs leads off to the west up the mountains away from the forest."

"Men from the abandoned farms, no doubt." Gimli said. "Let us go and have a real meal before we chase our orc."

Legolas nodded, but said nothing. As they approached the gates, Gimli talked nonstop.

"What do you see with those elvish eyes of yours? Can you see any houses? With fires buring in the chimneys, and the smokes of a fine feast pouring out of them?" Gimli asked.

"Thinking with your stomach again?" Legolas remarked. A half mile from the gates he dismounted the horse and said, "Stay here. I will investigate. The land. It is too still."

Legolas walked slowly towards the gates. His light- footsteps making little impression along the narrow trail that lead towards to forest. Every step he took was slow and deliberate, all of his senses were on alert. Along the edge of the trail were stones. Placed by men, a footfall apart. Legolas stopped for a moment, considering the situation. But hearing nothing, he took another step. It was nearly his last.

Legolas cried out as pain ripped through his ankle.

Gimli drew his axe and began to rush forward. Legolas cried, "No, do not. It is laid with traps!! Use the stones!!"

Gimli quickly made his way up the stone path, hopping from one stone to another, until he came to Legolas. His foot was caught in a hunting trap.

"No wonder the orcs avoid this place." Gimli said.

Gimli leaned over and using his axe, pryed the teeth of the trap apart. And slowly Legolas pulled his foot from the steel trap.

"We must get you to the village." Gimli said. As he helped Legolas to his feet a loud horn sounded. They looked toward the gates and a party of 10 were approaching.

Some with bows and arrows others with swords approached warily. The first thing Gimli noticed was their age. These weren't hard war-toughened men. They were young boys barely into their teens.

"We come on a quest for King Aragorn. Following the orcs to their base. We would appreciate some assistance." Gimli said in his most formal voice.

The boys said nothing. They were expecting orc, not an injured elf and a dwarf. None of them made a move to do anything.

"I am Gimli son of Gloin, and this is Legolas Greenleaf, son of Thuranduil King of Mirkwood Forest. We request refuge in your village and an audience with you mayor." Gimli said.

Still the boys did not move. They whispered amongst themselves and one rushed back to the gates. A few minutes later he returned, with a girl.

She was somewhat older than the boys, perhaps mid-twenties and seemed to be in charge.

She looked at Gimli and Legolas and back at the boys and said, "Don't just stand there help them."

The boys lifted Legolas from the ground and swiftly carried him back towards the gates. She turned to Gimli, "Please follow me along this path."

He nodded and followed her along the stone trail up the gates and into the village.

| Part III |
| Index |