The Chronicles of Lavelynne : Part IV
by Kelly

The Council is Called

Going back to Rivendell was one of the saddest things I have ever had to do. I did not wish to return, for though I missed my father Lord Elrond greatly I could not bear the thought of an eternity lived without my newfound love – Legolas Greenleaf.

I returned to Rivendell a day late. My father was overjoyed to see me.

"Lavelynne! You worried me greatly! I was sure you had lost your way or had been captured by a band of orcs!" Elrond hugged me tightly as I dismounted.

"Greatly worried, indeed! He nearly sent Elrohir and I out to search for you. What a waste of our time!" my brother Erradan smiled at me to show he was jesting as he walked out of the Courtyard.

"Erradan! Why are you here? I thought you couldn't spare time for me!" I laughed happily as I hugged my brother.

"Yes, well, I have to leave right now. Elrohir has already departed. I suppose he did not wish to deal with you."

"Pity you didn't leave with him." I returned my brother's barb with my own.

"Namarie, Father! Namarie, Lynnie!" Erradan called as he swung onto Spree's back lithely and trotted away. He knew I hated it when he called me by that pet name. Who created brothers, anyway?

I watched my brother trot out of Rivendell and head east. East…how I longed to go that way, for east was the way to Mirkwood.

Elrond noticed my sigh and told me, " Let us go into the sitting room. There you can tell me of your trip." He led me into the House and to the sitting room. "So," Elrond asked as he sat, "How was the trip?"

"Fine, I suppose. I got lost in the Forest at first, but Spreelo showed me the way." I changed my story a bit there, afraid of telling even my Father of my love interest. "King Thranduil is very nice. He agreed with our decision, to hold a council, I mean. He promised to send several representatives here, if called for." I stopped there. "That's all."

"You are unusually quiet Lavelynne, I know something bothers you." Elrond looked me straight in the eye. "You can tell me, you know, I am your father…."

"I met someone in Mirkwood. His name…He's…Legolas Greenleaf." After stating the name I quickly looked up at my Father, trying to sense his thoughts.

"Prince Legolas? I see…." A smile crept over Elrond's lips, slowly, like the sun rising. "How do you feel about him Lavelynne?"

"He is dear to me, precious one might say. I…I love him Father. I really do." I wasn't sure how Elrond would react to this; I was rather apprehensive as I made eye contact with him again.

His face showed no statement.

"Please don't be angry Father, it is only the truth." I resorted to pleading, trying to prepare myself for his wrath.

"My baby girl has found the Elf Prince of her dreams? My youngest daughter is in love? How then, Lavelynne, can I find myself angry? For I find the news joyous, Prince Legolas has long been under my eye as a suitor for you. He is a wonderful Elf, you would be happy with him." Elrond grinned widely, years falling off his face.

As Father leaned over and hugged me I felt happiness as I had never felt before. I knew then, in my heart of hearts, that I would marry Legolas one day, but I could never have imagined how far off that day truly was or what obstacles stood in the way.


"Lavelynne! Wake up, wake up! You must go to Mirkwood! Hurry!"

The voice of my father sounded unnaturally urgent and worried. I felt sure I was dreaming again, until Elrond's hand came down and shook my shoulder.

"Did you hear me? You must set off right away!"

"Whaa…?" I said groggily, still shaking the remnants of sleep from my brain.

"Listen closely, I will say it only once. The Ring-Bearer is on his way! He is making for Rivendell and I must gather the much-debated Council. Arwen and Glorfindel are waiting outside. You three must go to your respective race and gather the representatives from it. Arwen is going to the Men, Glorfindel to the Dwarves and you to the Elves of Mirkwood. It is very urgent, when the Ring-Bearer arrives we must have the Council immediately, for the Nine are already after him and the Eye is fixed on Rivendell." Elrond explained in a rush, throwing a dress at me to put on.

Yanking the long, elegant, sapphire-blue dress over my head and grabbing my slippers I said, "Alright. I will go, but Father? You must send Arwen to aid the Ring Bearer. I dreamt he needed help, and badly. Send another Elf to the Men." I looked up and saw my father nod.

"Yes, it shall be done. Go now, for you are riding Urtios, as Spreelo is with your brother." It was my turn to nod. Urtios was younger and more temperamental than Spreelo, but he was smart and sure-footed.

Following my Father, I ran outside and into the bright light of morning. Urtios was prancing in place, his golden coat shimmering, ready to be off. I mounted hurriedly and called a goodbye to my Father and sister. I was off to Mirkwood yet again.


This time, I did not get lost nor did I go at a leisurely pace. Urtios had gone many miles at a canter, he never seemed to tire, but I felt his weariness now.

Before entering Mirkwood I had seen a glimpse of Black. I knew in my heart that it was a Black Rider. I had pushed Urtios at his fastest speed for a while after that encounter. I now knew the danger the Ring Bearer was in.

I knew from my last trip that I was almost at the threshold of the city. Urging Urtios on, I galloped the last quarter mile.

Elves scattered as the golden horse ran into the center of Mirkwood. I knew they were curious, but there was not time to explain. I patted Urtios quickly on his neck and told him to stay. I ran into the Palace, much to the surprise of the guards.

One grabbed me roughly by the arm as I sprinted by, pulling me hard.

"What are you doing? Do you want to be killed? We should have shot you dead by now!" The guard sputtered in his rage.

"Unhand her!" a regal voice suddenly said.

"Legolas!" I nearly cried with happiness

At the same time a guard said with a bow "Prince Legolas. This, this, this girl came here and tried to get into the King. She is dangerous, we will take care of her."

"This maiden is here by my will. I will deal with her. Thank you." The blond headed Elf took me by the arm and led me away quickly, to the amazement of the guards.

"What is wrong, my lady Lavelynne? Why do you return, and with such a frightened look on your face?" Legolas's kind face was twisted with worry.

"The Council. The Council of Elrond, Legolas. It has been called for. The Ring is on It's way." I looked up into his deep, clear eyes, finding comfort.

He remained silent for a moment, contemplating.

"Let us go tell my father. He will give the command."

Legolas took my hand and together we ran into the Throne Room.


The group which had been sent out from Mirkwood was now only one day's ride from Rivendell. I had wanted to ride through the night, but Legolas along with the three other Mirkwood representatives convinced me to rest.

But rest was hiding in an elusive place, and none of our group could find it.

As I sat next to the fire I looked around at the others of our group.

There was Legolas, of course. King Thranduil had let the Prince come without an argument. Legolas now carried a bow and arrows. The bow was made of fine wood and inlaid with silver and red, the colors of the King. His arrows were also of the same wood, light and flexible and yet strong and sturdy. Legolas was talented with the bow, I felt safer having him near me.

There were also three trusted members of Thranduil's House. Garenith was an older Elf. He had the same longish blond hair of most in this area, but it was streaked now with gray.

Eguliph was younger than Garenith, but older than Legolas and myself. He also carried a bow, but it was of a different make than that of Legolas's and les impressive.

The last was an Elf called Bernqith. He was a warrior, having fought in many battles, but he was sullen and quiet. He did not seem happy that the Ring was moving about.

And so we camped. All were worried about the days ahead. The Council was foremost on everyone's thoughts.

"What can we do? The Ring is dangerous; it has to be destroyed. What other choice do we have?" Eguligh commented as the fire began to burn low.

"It could help us in our battles! Why destroy it?" Bernqith argued

"Please, let's just save this for the Council. Surely someone there will know more." Legolas interrupted. "Let's try to rest."

He sat down next to me and I rested my head on his strong shoulder. He caressed my cheek softly and put an arm around my waist. I quickly fell asleep in his arms.


The next afternoon the group arrived in Rivendell. I leapt off Urtios and into Elrond's arms.

"Father! We're back!" I cried

He laughed, "I can see that Lavelynne."

To the rest he smiled warmly. "Welcome to Rivendell Elves of Mirkwood. You are welcome to explore the House and its grounds, but there is one rule: the feast is at 7 sharp." He smiled again. "I must be off. The Ring Bearer has awoken. He was very sick, poisoned by a Morgul blade in fact. I must see to him."

I motioned to the group. "You can dismount now. Your horses will be attended to, have no worries."

I grabbed Legolas's arm. "Now it is MY turn to show YOU around, master Elf."

He and I spent the day walking about in the gardens and exploring the streams and waterfalls of Rivendell. Legolas's wonder never ceased to make me smile. He could look at a flower and find beauty even the flower itself could not have known it had. Just like he found the beauty in me I thought.

Glancing at the sun I motioned that it was time to go to the feast.

I met many people at that feast. Samwise Gamgee, `Pippin' Took, `Merry' Brandybuck and Frodo Baggins (the ring bearer) were the Hobbits from the Shire. I found them adorable and spent time talking at length with Samwise about gardening.

There were dwarves, which amazed me, as I had only heard terrible stories about them. They did not seem so terrible to me. One in particular, Gimli, was rough around the edges but nice enough to me.

Too soon, the eating and merry making was over and I decided to go to bed.

Bidding farewell to my little Hobbit friends, and kissing Legolas goodnight on the cheek, I toddled up the staircase. As soon as I hit the soft bed, I fell asleep.


"BONG! BONG! BONGGGG!" the warning bell for the Council sounded.

Always the late one, I hurried down the halls to the Courtyard, where the Council was being held. I took my seat next to my Father. On his other side sat Errestor, his head counselor. I looked around.

Frodo was sitting next to Gandalf, both looked a bit worried. Then came the four Elves of Mirkwood, who sat talking among themselves. Legolas caught my eye and winked. Then sat the Dwarves, who looked gruff and sat strongly clutching their battle-axes. Then the Men. All looked old except for a young, light-haired man who sat with the dignity of a leader. He carried with him a large horn and a strong shield, both of the make of Gondor. He was the man they called Boromir. And last, at the end of the chairs, almost isolated, sat Aragorn. He was the rightful heir to Gondor and had helped the Hobbits get from the Shire to Rivendell safely.

"Elves, Men, Friends of Old," Elrond began "We are here to answer to the threat of Mordor."

On father went about the Ring, telling It's story. He then let Frodo show the Ring and set it on a podium. Boromir went off on a rant about how to use the Ring for good, and Aragorn corrected him.

"The Ring must be destroyed!" Gandalf spoke up.

Gimli went forward and tried to destroy the ring with his axe, but Elrond simply smiled. The axe was broken into many pieces.

Then Elrond went and explained that the Ring could be destroyed only by throwing it into the cracks of Mount Doom, in the heart of Mordor.

"One of you must do this." He said

No one spoke or moved. The birds in the trees seemed incredibly loud.

Boromir said something and Legolas boldly stood up and asked the man, "Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond just said?" He looked even more handsome than usual as he looked angrily upon the tall man. "This ring must be destroyed!"

"And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?" Gimli stood and it was clear that he was growing very angry now. I glanced nervously at my father, but Elrond only blinked in acknowledgement.

"I tell you I would DIE before I would see the Ring in the hands of and Elf!" Gimli said right to Legolas's face. I gasped loudly, but it was muffled by the angry shouts of the Elves.

Bernqith immediately jumped to his feet and pushed past a stunned Eguliph to get at the Dwarf. Garenith also jumped up and followed. Legolas held his arms out to prevent the killing of the Dwarf, but it only took a moment before everyone was out of their seats yelling at each other and fighting. My father shook his head slowly. Then the Hobbit, Frodo, stood up.

"I will take it!" he said slowly a little reluctantly. "Though I do not know the way."

Everyone stopped and stared at the 3 foot tall being. I could have hugged Frodo for speaking up.

Gandalf immediately said he would help Frodo on the journey. As did Aragorn.

"You have my Sword." Aragorn said striding proudly over to Frodo.

"And you have my bow!" I heard Legolas's clear voice ring out.

I was stunned. I did not listen to much more of the Council. I could not believe that Legolas had volunteered; he was going to leave me.

As soon as the Council was adjourned I stood up, a bit shaky on my legs, and ran out of the Courtyard.

I heard Legolas call to me in Elvish, "Lavelynne, wait! Come back!" but I did not turn back.

No, I did not turn back, not even when Legolas called out "Lynnie?" in a questioning and hurt voice.

| Part V |
| Index |