The Chronicles of Lavelynne : Part VIII
by Kelly

The Great Joining

I slept the whole night next to Legolas, and so I was surprised that when I awoke the next morning I found that Legolas was not beside me. Reluctantly leaving the warmth of the bed I stepped out onto the cold floor. Striding to a mirror, I was not surprised by what I saw.

My hair hung in dirty mats, I could not remember brushing it since the battle. Its once stunning white-blond color was spotted with dark orc blood and smears of my own. My face was streaked with dirt and sweat. I thought I looked rather like a drowned orc. Sighing loudly, I went to go find Legolas, though I was almost embarrassed to walk about Gondor looking as I did.

I searched high and low, finally preparing to give up and go back to my room I spotted Master Peregrin Took, one of my Hobbit friends from Rivendell.

"Pippin! Pip!" I waved wildly at the smaller creature.

The Hobbit turned and looked around with a puzzled face. When he finally spotted me waving he raised a hand haltingly, as though he was not sure of whom exactly I was.

"It's Lavelynne!" I said smiling at the Hobbit.

A look of slow recognition crept over Pippin's face and he grinned widely at me. Then he trotted over, his lightish curls bouncing with every stride.

"Miss Lavelynne! Quite surprising to see you here, if I do say so myself." Pippin said, shading his eyes to look up at me. "My you've gone and…umm…changed."

The Hobbit winced a little after he said that as if he thought I might slap him.

"Do not look so upset Pippin, I take no offense to your comment. Indeed, I have changed. I suppose I look quite different from when you first saw me, but then much has happened since then, has it not?" I asked.

"Yes it has!" Pippin answered agreeably.

"Do you then know where I might find Legolas?"

"I think so. He left early, he said he was going to go check…" suddenly Merry, the other Hobbit friend of mine, ran up to Pippin and put a hand over his mouth.

"Pippin!" Merry scolded the younger Hobbit. "You'll have to excuse him, he's a Took." Merry added to me with roll of his eyes.

"Hey! You can't say anything Merry, you're a Brandybuck!" Pippin stuck his tongue out at Merry.

They soon were in a full argument, never mind the stares of the people on the street, over just which surname and its history was worse.

I laughed out loud and bent down to their level. "I think it's safe to say that I missed both of you greatly!" I said as I scooped both Hobbits into a hug. "Now…what is this about Legolas? Where did he go?"

Merry looked plaintively at Pippin and whispered, a bit too loudly, "See, Pip? Women always have ulterior motives to their affections."

"Oh really?" I asked, causing Merry to blush furiously. "Actually, I truly did miss having you Hobbits around, always causing trouble or annoying Father. I suppose Hobbits are quite nice creatures."

"Elves are nice as well, when they aren't covered in orc blood." Pippin said curling his nose at me, but smiling all the same.

"Yes, well, slaying orcs is a dirty job, and there certainly has been a lot of that going on. Now, where did you say Legolas was?"

"We didn't." both Hobbits chorused together.

I squinted at both of them. "Ah yes, of course you said nothing. I suppose I'll have to find him myself then."

I waved goodbye to the Hobbits and walked back to my room. If Legolas wants to find me then he will, I thought to myself.

Back in the room, I drew a bath. It would feel good to be able to wash off for once.

I pulled out a new dress to wear and laid it behind the tub and on a chair. After undressing I washed my hair. It was a slow, painstaking process; my hair was so filled with tangles that it was almost impossible to wash out. I managed though and soon I was lounging in the tub, enjoying the feel of the hot water around me.

Finally I decided it was time to get out and turning over I noticed my dress was gone.

"Legolas, I know you're here and you had better bring me my dress this instant!" I yelled, wrapping a long towel around my body.

No answer.

"Come on now, I need my dress!" I said

Finally the door creaked open and Legolas walked in, carrying my dress and wearing a grin.

"I'm sorry, I wanted you to have a different dress. And you looked so peaceful I hated to disrupt you to ask." He explained, kissing me on my cheek as I glared.

"I am sooo sure." I answered sarcastically. "What were you up to this morning? I could not find you to save my life!"

A shadow passed over his face, but it evaporated quickly. "I was with Aragorn, talking about the battle." He said

"No, you weren't. I checked Aragorn's chamber. I also checked Arod's stall. He was gone, meaning you were out riding. What I want to know is why." I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"So you are a detective as well as a Princess?" he joked, but added seriously after I glared at him, "I was out checking something."

"I learned that much from Pippin!" I said exasperatedly.

He frowned, the lines disrupting the smooth picture of his face. "I knew I could not trust that Hobbit, curse his curious nature!"

"Well if you trusted Pip then you ought to be able to trust me," I said, "so tell me what you were doing.

"If you must know, I was checking for orcs. Gondor is not safe even now. We have won the battle but not the war. Aragorn fears that evil grows once more and is going to attack. If the Ringbearer does not succeed soon, all will be lost."

I stood silent for a moment.

"Why did you try to keep this from me? I fought in one battle, I will fight in another." I said with a shrug.

"That is the point, you will not fight in this battle. It is far too dangerous. I cannot allow you to. Besides," he said, silencing my protests, "I do not know when this will come about, so I did not want to worry you. That is why is was a secret."

I tried again to protest, but Legolas shoved the dress into my hands, kissed me again and walked off before I could say a word.

"Fine," I muttered to myself, "be that way, but you bet your immortality that I will fight."


Mordor fell two days later. It was quite the event to see. There was not even much of a battle, only a few lonely orc troops who decided to make a last stand before their evil kingdom and evil leader fell.

I was there, standing on a rise with Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli and Legolas, as well as Pippin and Merry, when the Black Gate fell into ruin and out of the Dark Tower went Sauron's last, horrible call. The Ringwraiths fled away and evil was at last defeated. The Ringbearer had succeeded. I was there.


The next weeks were joyous. Frodo and Sam returned from Mordor and were given a royal welcome to Gondor. Aragorn became King of the Men and took my sister, Arwen, as his bride.

The only thing not quite right was Legolas and I. Elrond had been overjoyed to hear that I was getting married, he began planning the wedding more that I, even.

Both Legolas and Father wanted the wedding to be held in either Rivendell or Lothlorien. I did not object to this, for both places I had grown to love and both were more than serene settings for a wedding, but something was telling me that those places were not right. I did not know what to do.

Legolas noticed my depression and told me one day as he practiced his archery, "Lavelynne, wherever you want to get married we will go. Whatever you want to do, we will do. Whenever you want it to happen, so it shall. So tell me, I am soon to be your husband, you know you can trust me, where is it you want to get married?"

To this day I do not know what told me to say what I said, but in hindsight I am sure all of Middle Earth is glad that I said it.

"Mount Doom." The words came out before I realized it.

Legolas dropped the arrows he had been loading into his bow. They clattered onto the cobblestones loudly. Legolas did not stoop to pick them up, instead, he stared at me as though I had just declared allegiance to Sauron.

"Surely you must be joking. Mount Doom?

"No, I am not joking. I want us to be married on Mount Doom, the slopes of Mount Doom, the place where the Last Alliance was fought. I must have the wedding there." I stood resolutely, waiting for his reply.

Legolas smoothed his long hair in a nervous fashion. "Why? Give me a pressing reason why you MUST have the wedding in that place and I will go along with it."

"I do not know why. All I know is that it just feels right." I stressed the word right, trying to make Legolas see my point.

"That is not exactly a pressing reason, but I suppose I will not argue. I have never been able to win an argument with you, I do not see what would make this one any different." He sighed and took my hand. "I am with you, which is a good thing, seeing as Lord Elrond will not be pleased."


"WHAT!" Lord Elrond's voice rang clear and loud across the hall. The wedding feast stopped, everyone turned to look at Elrond.

Legolas had convinced me to tell my Father of our plan during Aragorn and Arwen's wedding feast. He had said it might keep my Father from making a scene. He was wrong.

"MOUNT DOOM??" Elrond now had the attention of everyone. The Hobbits looked at him almost doubtfully, Aragorn had raised one eyebrow, Arwen seemed embarrassed, and the entire hall was silent as death.

"Father, please! You're ruining Arwen's wedding." I whispered

"No I am NOT! I want you to tell me about this `plan' NOW!" he yelled, not lowering his voice even a notch.

It was my turn to be angry. I stood up, my chair making harsh scraping sounds on the stone floor of the hall. "It's MY wedding and I'll have it where I want to!" I yelled back to Elrond as I marched out of the hall.

I heard Sam whisper in wonder to the other Hobbits as I left, "Bless me, I've never seen an Elf so angry!"


Back in my chamber, I sat steaming. Why was it that no one understood this? Why couldn't Father just leave it be and discuss it later, instead of ruining my sister's wedding. I went over to my sword and drew it from it's scabbard. Twirling in around skillfully I still heard Elrond enter.

"Come to apologize?" I said.

"Don't speak to me that way, I am still your Father. I just came to explain my story and get your explanation." He replied.

"Father, I need to get married on Mount Doom. Nothing has felt more right in my heart, nothing. Please."

"Lavelynne, you do not understand. I fought in the Battle of the Last Alliance. Unless you were there, you would never understand. I never want to go back to that place." He glanced at me and caught my eye. I could see the intense look on his face.

"Father, please. I know of the Battle. Erohir and Elladan told me the story many times. I DO understand your feelings. But I need you to understand mine." Pleading had never worked on Elrond before, but I hoped it would now. "Please."

"Daughter, I do not understand your feelings, but I suppose I must try. You may have the wedding on the slopes of Doom. But I fear some of the invited Elves may not show up." He relented

"Thank you Father! Thank you!" I cried, dropping Revira onto the bed and running over to Elrond. He immediately hugged me.

"I'm sorry Lavelynne." He said, "I'm sorry."


The wedding was planned for a fortnight later. It was a rushed job, but I wanted Galadriel and Celeborn to attend, and I knew they were leaving for the Undying Lands soon.

Father tried his best to clean up the area where the wedding was going to be held, he put out fresh flowers and anything bright, but Mordor was still dark and gloomy, despite his efforts.

I did not care. I went with Elrond one day to inspect the area. Thick brambles grew out of the ground, but that was about the only vegetation. The soil was thin and less that fertile. Mount Doom still spewed fire every now and then, providing a erie red glow to the dark atmosphere.

"This was a bad idea." Legolas said, inspecting the wedding setup. "Why not get married in Minas Mordor? Why not invite orcs? It is a fitting place."

I smiled at him. "Well I for one LOVE it! It is perfect!"

"At least one person will enjoy it!" Elrond put in.

"I can feel something is going to happen. Something big. Then you'll love this place too!" I smiled

"Yes, well it had better happen soon, seeing as the wedding is day after tomorrow!" Legolas muttered to himself.


The next day, everyone in Gondor was in a flurry of activity. The guests for the wedding had been told to arrive in Gondor today, the feast was being held in the city, Elrond refused to have it in Mordor.

Almost everyone had arrived. The Elves of Mirkwood were here; King Thranduil was joking around with my Father and basically acting like an old friend. The other Elves were also here, including Erratina and Ryharona, my `helpers' whom I had met on my first visit to Mirkwood. They were terribly excited to see that the Prince was finally getting married, especially to me, the last of the Eldar.

Galadriel and Celeborn were also here. It was rare for them to leave Lothlorien, but I was glad that they had come.

My brothers were also here, making fun of me and planning how to embarrass me in front of Legolas. I hate brothers.

Of course, the whole Fellowship was also back in Gondor. Gimli, Gandalf and all four Hobbits.

That night we held a feast. Everyone conversed with everyone else and seemed to enjoy the event. I sat with Legolas on my right and the Hobbits on my left. I would not have admitted it to anyone, but I was terribly nervous. Legolas noticed and took my hand.

"I love you." He whispered to me quietly.

I smiled, the nerves dissipating quickly.

The feast was over rather quickly, my Father dismissing us all saying we would need rest for the wedding tomorrow which `as you all know, is being held on the slopes of Doom.' That comment made everyone nervous.

I bade Legolas goodnight with a kiss and he hugged me tightly. Smiling, he pulled out his silver and red emerald. I touched my neck. I had forgotten my necklace!

"Don't forget it tomorrow, I think it has a part to play." He said, striding away to his own room.

Though I did not know quite what he meant, I made note to wear the necklace with my dress.


The next morning I was awoken by an impatient Ryharona.

"Wake up Princess Lavelynne! We have to get a move on if we're gonna get to the wedding before the others!"

I jumped out of bed. Dressing in a flash, I felt all the nervousness an Elf could ever have welling up inside of me. I put on my little emerald necklace and hurried out into the dim twilight of morning. Erratina was waiting for me, holding a perfectly groomed and outfitted Urios.

"I know you don't usually ride in a saddle Princess," she said, "but in order to keep yourself clean your Father requested one."

"Thanks!" I said leaping onto Urios and trying to adjust myself to the feel of a saddle. How did Men manage it?

"Wait, Princess! The Lady Galadriel is to accompany you!" Erratina called

At that moment Galadriel rode out on her horse. She raised a hand to welcome me. "Let us leave, it is not good luck for a groom to see his bride before the wedding." She said with a smile.

So we traveled to Mount Doom, a long journey that would turn out to be well worth it.


"You are here today, guests of all types, to witness the joining of Prince Legolas of Mirkwood, son of King Thranduil, to Lord Elrond's daughter, Princess Lavelynne. As I am sure all of you know, Lavelynne is the last of the Eldar left on Middle Earth and this joining will be the prophesized Great Joining, when a member of the race of the Greatest Elves weds an Elf of a different type. It is truly history in the making. So without further ado, let the Joining begin!" Gandalf spoke to the crowd of people sitting around the makeshift aisle on the Slopes of Doom.

Beautiful white flowers were mixed with exotic red ones in vases spread around, meant to uplift the guests and take their minds off the barren landscape around them. It worked well.

Legolas stood up at the front of the aisle. He was dressed handsomely in a form fitting, silver and red tunic. His blond hair was loose except for the tightly braided sides. He stood straight, showing off his tall stature.

Beside him stood the `best men'. It had been decided that Pippin, Merry, Sam, Frodo, Gimli and Aragorn were all the `best' so now all six stood in the front. Sam seemed especially interested in the flowers and Pippin, always the curious one, was standing on tiptoes, trying desperately to see behind the curtain that I would walk out of.

Pippin did not have to wait long, for soon after Gandalf gave his opening speech, Elrond came up beside me and offered his arm. He had left his raven black hair down and it framed his face, making him look much younger than he was.

"My youngest daughter is getting married. I have long awaited this day, Lavelynne. Are you sure you want to go like…this? But I still love you, dear." He said

"I love you to, Father. And yes, I do want to go out like this. Now let's get going, Legolas is waiting!" I pulled his arm impatiently.

Elrond laughed quietly. "So eager to be off. As you wish my dear."

A wonderfully soft and rolling tune played as I walked down the aisle, arm in arm with Elrond.

A collective gasp went up from the crowd upon seeing me. For instead of being dressed in a dazzling white gown, I was wearing my old dress, still spotted with orc blood and ragged with tears. Clanking at my side in its scabbard was Revira, and the only piece of jewelry on me was the necklace that Legolas had given me. My hair was pulled back and out of my face in warrior style. I smiled proudly.

Halfway down, Legolas switched with Elrond and took my arm. He gave a barely perceptible smile of encouragement as we walked the rest of the aisle together.

I caught the eye of Galadriel as we walked. She brushed her long, wavy blond hair out of her face and sent me a message.

Most impressive Princess Lavelynne. Did I not tell you that you had a warrior's spirit?

I nodded slightly at her. Yes, you did. You were right, as usual.

Halting at the front of the aisle I turned to face Legolas. The Elven Prince smiled at my sword and whispered, "There's no more orcs to slay, you know."

I only smiled back. "You never know."

The ceremony proceeded perfectly. Legolas said his vows to me and I to him. Frodo, who once again was a Ringbearer, brought our wedding rings to us. He smiled at me before handing me Legolas's ring.

After we each slipped rings onto one another's fingers, the much waited for words were spoken.

"You may kiss the bride Legolas." Gandalf said and added with a whisper and smile, "If you don't mind dried orc blood."

Legolas grinned at the wizard and pulled me close. Arms wrapped around each other we kissed. The crowd clapped.

Before the kiss was even over a violent movement shook the ground. I struggled to regain my balance but ended up falling. The crowd was now in a panic, for Mount Doom was giving off one of its all to common eruptions. The fire shot from the top in terrible bursts.

I screamed suddenly when my little jewel shattered on its chain.

"Princess! What is going on?" Sam gasped crawling over to me.

Standing shakily up I said, "I have no idea Sam. But it doesn't look good."

But I was wrong.

I heard someone shout out, "Look! Look at Mount Doom!"

Turning around I found I had to shade my eyes from the bright, golden light that was steaming from the mountain.

Legolas grabbed my arm. "What in the…"

Everyone stood silent for a second until another explosion rocked the ground. Bright light spewed from the cracks of doom and suddenly I knew what was happening.

"GET BACK FROM THE MOUNTAIN!!" I yelled as loudly as I could.

Only the lightning quick reflexes of the Elves present at the wedding saved the lives. Legolas and I grabbed the Hobbits and ducked, pulling Aragorn and Gimli down with us.

It all happened in a split second.

Mount Doom exploded. I closed my eyes tightly and leaned into Legolas's chest as we lay on the ground, rocks and ash and heaven- knows-what hitting us from every side. The noise was deafening. I thought I was going to die, I thought I would be responsible for everyone's death. Instead, I was responsible for the new lives of many.

"Keep your eyes shut!" Legolas warned everyone.

Just as he said that the pieces of Doom seemed to light with an unnatural light, I could tell it was blindingly brilliant despite having my eyes shut.

Then as quickly as it had happened, the explosion stopped. The light disappeared, as though someone had flicked a switch.

The guest all stood up from their crouched positions, brushing off their clothes and looking around in bewilderment. Legolas pulled me to my feet and held me close.

"What was that?" Merry asked, his voice wondering.


I heard the voice say the word, but I did not realize at first that it was Sam who had spoken.

"Mordor is growing PLANTS!" this time the whole crowd heard him, and everyone looked towards Sam.

He was right. Everywhere, new plant life was beginning to grow.

"Mordor is…blooming!" Elrond said, his voice full of doubtfulness as he touched a small green shoot sprouting at his feet.

"But Why?" "How did this happen?" "What caused the Mountain to explode like that?" "Is this one of Gandalf's tricks?" The questions swirled around like the wind picking up in the dry brush.

"I will tell you what happened," Gandalf stood to say, "The Great Joining. Did I not say this would be history in the making?" he smiled and began to laugh.

"I don't see it as funny!" an Elf cried out. "We could have been killed!" a chorus of agreements rang out.

"You wouldn't have been killed, fool!" Gandalf said. "This is the Great Joining! Listen to me say: This land has long been filled with evil. Today, the single greatest union ever to take place in Middle Earth happened. And it happened here. Now, a once barren and evil land will be fertile and rich. Mordor is no longer a dead land, for the Great Joining has changed it."

Legolas looked at me. "Did you know that this would happen? Did you know Mordor would bloom only if we were married here?"

"N-N-No." I stammered, "I knew nothing, though something in my heart told me to come here, I did not know this would happen!"

Elrond interrupted. "I suppose it's good for Middle Earth that you insisted upon marriage here. But I sense the crowd is weary and restless. Let us go back to Gondor."


Soon after Mordor turned prosperous, most Elves of Middle Earth chose to leave for the Undying Lands. I was at Grey Havens with Legolas to bid farewell to Gandalf, Galadriel, my brothers and Father and Frodo when they left.

Legolas and I had decided to stay in Middle Earth for a while longer, after all, we were the last reinging Elven King and Queen, and we planned on making the most of it.

Legolas watched as the ship sailed smoothly away into the endless blue of the sea. He seemed hypnotized by the waves and tides. I knew the look on his face. It was clearly a look of longing.

"Come on Legolas. We'll have our turn. We'll sail out someday." I said squeezing his hand lovingly.

He smiled at me. "Yes, we will." Then he turned and we both rode out of the port and away from the sea.


It was many years before the sea finally called us. Our lives were peaceful and we lived to see the rising of Men.

As that population flourished, the remaining Elves were driven away. It was finally time for us to go.


The waves broke against the ship. Legolas stood looking over the side, amazed by the water below. Gimli, who was crossing with us, a present from Galadriel you might say for no Dwarves have ever been allowed in the Undying Lands, sat firmly in a chair, trying to pretend he was on solid ground. I stood waiting for the last passengers to board. I hoped they would arrive soon.

"Queen Lavelynne!"


"Miss Lavelynne!"

The three voices filled the quiet air. Here were the last passengers.

Pippin was out of breath from his run and gasped out a "We made it!" before sitting down. Merry was next. Finally, the last passenger to the Undying Lands boarded. It was Sam Gamgee and his wife Rosie.

All the Hobbits were quite a bit older now, their children having grown up and moved out, and they were all ready to leave.

I smiled at them. "I almost set sail without you!"

Before the Hobbits could exclaim about that Legolas walked up behind me and said, "She would never have left without you! Sometimes I think she likes you Halflings more than me!" he joked.

I laughed, a musical sound, and kissed Legolas. We were finally off.


"There are the Enchanted Isles!" Legolas exclaimed, "Soon we will get to the Pass of Light, and then, finally, we will be in the Undying Lands."

I looked at the chain of islands in front of us. Through the mist I could make out a far away light shining.

Back with my father. Back with my people.

Home at last.



Have you recorded the whole story now, Little One? Good. Those are my Chronicles, the story of my life. Now that they have been told I will send them back across the Great Sea, just like I was sent as a child. Why send them back? Men need to hear this story, for they are now a broken race, divided by much. Perhaps these Chronicles will brighten someone's life and that, Little One, is what they are meant to do.

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