A Heart's Desire: Part III
by Bonnie a.k.a. Artemis

The Fellowship made there way through the woods of Lothlorien. Haldir and the others were their guide. At first they had to be blindfolded, for Gimli was not permitted to see the glorious wood. Much to Legolas’ dismay, but he went with it, so as not to cause more delay.

They now were permitted to remove the blinding cloth that covered their eyes, for the Lady herself had let it be so. The wood was fair and glorious. It seemed not winter or fall had ever touched it. Legolas was overjoyed. Boromir could see it in his face.

Night was beginning to creep into the sky. Haldir had said that they would be within the city of Lord and Lady very soon. They were glad of that. Even though the night before had rested them more then they had in many days they were all still very weary.

Finally they reached the Golden City of Lothlorien. It was even more magnificent then any of them could have imagined. The trees reached up into the very heavens itself. The sliver lights twinkled in the tree tops. None could compare the beauty to anything else they had seen. Haldir now turned to Aragorn and Legolas.

“Now I must leave you, for I must tell the Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel of your arrival. Rest here while you may, until they wish to see you.” He faced them one last time. Aragorn said something in Elvish that the hobbits did not catch. Legolas just looked at Haldir with thanks. Then with a blink of an eye Haldir vanished up the long wining stares of a magnificent mallorn tree.

They all sat and waited. After some moments an elf clad in sliver robes came down to them.

“They Lord and Lady now wish to see you. You will ascend one by one the Ringbearer may go first, Legolas Prince will accompany him.” He put out a hand to show them the way and Frodo reluctantly followed.

“Do not worry Frodo, we are fine.” Legolas said behind him.

The long hike up the stairs of the mallorn were taxing for the hobbit. Legolas showed no signs of tiring. They were directed to a beautiful hall. Silver lamps adorned the walls and gave it a soft glow, that of moonlight.

“The Lord and Lady will be here shortly.” The other elf said, and he made his way back down the stairs. Shortly Aragorn and the others followed him. The poor hobbits were not used to climbing so high in trees. They did not show very much happiness to be at the top.

Finally the announcement that the Lord and Lady of the Wood were here. The company stood as they entered the hall. A beautiful white light seemed to shine around them. The hobbits looked at them in awe, and Aragorn bowed his head.

The Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel stood before them in all their beauty. Celeborn looked to each one of the company and then said,

“Eight there are here, but nine set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him.”

The Lady looked at them and then sorrow came over her face. “He has fallen into shadow.” The company thought of their fallen friend in the depths of Moria. Sadness came over them. The Lady continued to speak, but there was something different.

Boromir could hear her voice in his head talking directly at him. He did not fully understand at first. Galadriel’s voice echoed that of the fall of Gondor. Doom awaited him there and the city. Then something she said made his heart skip a beat.

“I know what it is your heart truly desires. That of which greater then the Ring. It has been clouding your mind and putting the quest in peril. If you do not tell him soon then an evil fate awaits the both of you. Tell Legolas how you feel.”

“And what if he rejects?”

“Then you will have known that it could never be so. But your heart and mind will be free of all trouble regarding the matter. Speak to him before it is too late.”

“Do you know what he will say?”

“I do not fully know what he will say. His mind is partly hidden from mine. I cannot foresee what will happen. I do know his heart does belong to another, but the lust and passion is there for others. Rest now Boromir, Son of Gondor. Let your body and mind rest under our fair trees.”

With that her voice and presence in his head vanished. Boromir wanted to ask who Legolas’ heart belonged to but it was too late.


The company was made a small camp under the trees. The elves saw that they had comfort and food for them waiting. Boromir’s mind was racing with all the thoughts of the Lady Galadriel’s words.

Aragorn could see his friend was troubled. He came over to him and sat beside Boromir and asked what was troubling his friend.

Boromir told him about what the Lady had said to him about his city and father. But he did not tell Aragorn that of Legolas. He could not discuss that now. He did not want to reveal anything to anyone, until his mind and heart were one. Boromir went to sleep with the elves softly singing a lament for Gandalf, and the thought of Legolas.


The next morning the Fellowship were well rested and felt much lighter of heart. The sun poured through the trees and the air smell sweet like spring. The hobbits went around exploring the city. Elves told them tales and asked many questions of them, for they have rarely seen any of their kind before.

Legolas had gone off in the early morning. He did not require as much rest as the rest of them. Boromir sat and thought at what he could tell Legolas. He wanted to tell him so badly that he could hardly contain himself. But the fear of him being rejected by his love, made him fearful.

Finally after long hours of debating in his heart and mind, Boromir got up in search of Legolas. He had heard that he had went north to the cities edge. Elves were singing up in the tree tops. It made Boromir’s mind calmer.

He found that Legolas had gone to a small spring just out side of the city, that is where he could be found. Boromir’s heart raced quicker with ever step he took. The thought of Legolas in his arms and his lips and his sent a fire within in him grow more and more.

Before he knew it Boromir was there. The spring was surrounded with smaller trees and bushes. Boromir was just about to step out from them when he heard a noise.

A small moan. Heavy breathing. Then Boromir’s heart froze in its beat. His eyes widened and a small gasp came out from his lips.

There on the ground was Legolas, naked in his beautiful form. Sweat covered his body. His legs wrapped around someone, that Boromir could not fully tell who. The rocking motion obscured the man or elf's face. Their lips kept touching and their hands kept caressing. Finally the man parted his lips from Legolas’ mouth and Boromir saw who it was. Aragorn.

| Part IV |
| Index |