And the sky full of stars: Part XIX
by: Jen

Legolas and Elesia waited outside Gimli's room. Elesia paced impatiently. Legolas stood beside a wall, his statement impossible to read.

Once Elesia had returned with the wagon, it had taken them a long week to reach the city. Along the rough journey, Gimli's state had slowly worsened. His legs seemed to give him more pain with each league they traveled. And though he kept his tortures to himself, his lack of conversation and the grim statement on his face, worried Legolas and Elesia more every day.

By the time they had reached the walls of the city, Legolas wondered if Gimli would ever walk again. These worries plagued them both as they wait outside his room. After what seemed an eternity, Arwen came out.

"His legs will heal. Though he will not be the sturdy dwarf he once was." Arwen said.

"Is there nothing we can do?" Elesia asked.

Arwen's gaze went to Legolas as if she knew something Elesia did not.

"There are perhaps certain paths he can take to lessen his pain, but he will never walk the long distances he once did." Arwen said, her eyes on Legolas. "What he needs now is rest. It will take sometime before his legs will mend."

"May I see him?" Elesia asked.

"He would like that. He mentioned several times that you had his pipe for safe keeping and he wanted it returned." Arwen said.

Elesia disappeared into his room. Arwen turned to Legolas.

"You have not told her of your plans to take him to Valinor?"

"I did not think it wise until I knew for certain his condition." Legolas said.

"She will know by your dreams soon enough. Don't let her learn of this in her sleep." Arwen said, gently. "It will be hard enough news to hear while awake."


Elesia was in her guest room in the castle. Sleep would not come. After many weeks on the road, the bed was too soft and her mind was racing. She fear the endless dreams of ships and open sea. Not because she disliked either, but because of what they meant. Legolas would be leaving. He had not admitted it to her, but he did not have to. The dreams were easy enough to understand. However, it did not make it any easier to accept.

She paced the room, looking out into the leafy branches from the trees that grew beside the castle walls. As she yawned, the leaves nearest her began to rustle. She jumped back, momentarily startled, reminded too much of the incident in Fangorn Forest. But the rustling was insistent until she realized the trees were not moving of their own accord but because of Legolas as he deftly climbed up its branches. He swung over the gate that lined the walls and into her room.

"There is such thing as a door." She reminded him.

"Climbing a tree is more enjoyable than walking up stairs." Legolas said.

"It is." She admitted. He look out into the leafy branches. His head was bowed as if a great burden were on his shoulders.

"You are leaving soon." Elesia said.

Legolas looked at her surprised. He had dreaded this conversation and it seemed there was nothing to dread. She already knew the inner most thoughts of his heart without having spoken them.

"There is a small chance Gimli will be allowed refuge in Valinor because of his dealings with the Ring." Legolas said. "There is no guarantee that I will find the Straight Way if he is with me, but it is the only chance he has for a future."

"Then you must try." Elesia said, without a moments hesitation.

"I know. And I know that I have been planning on leaving for sometime. . . but. . that does not make the parting any easier." Legolas said. He sighed. "I have already said too many goodbyes in this life."

"Then when the time comes, we will simply say, 'good journey.'" Elesia said.

He leaned against the gate, facing her.

"I have not seen you in many a night." he said. "Do you grow tired of our dreams?"

"I find my body is weary but my mind will not let me sleep. The bed is too soft and the stars are not above me." She said, and smiled. "For many days, I used a favorite elvish cloak as a bed. Now, it seems I am not fit for any other."

"'Tis a pity the Ents returned it to you." Legolas said. A smile spread across his face. "For I was quite enjoying my role as elvish cloak."

She smiled. "And who is to say that yours was not the cloak I am speaking of?"

"If that is the case, then I am forever at your use, should the nights grow too cold you will find me in the gardens." Legolas said.

He smiled at her and then with his swift cat-like movements, vaulted himself over the side of the gates and into the trees, disappearing into the gardens below her.

And he dreamed. A ship sat in the docks. Elesia was sitting on the railing of the ship gazing out at the water. Legolas climbed aboard and inspected every inch, examining the ship thoroughly. There was one small hold below deck to carry provisions for the journey. He and Gimli could sleep above decks. He climbed up the tall rigging that held the sails. Mentally making note of the amounts of rope and material would be needed. By the time dawn arose, he had the ship plans mentally imprinted in his mind.

There was much work to do.

As the weeks passed, Elesia saw Legolas only in their dreams. And even then, the dreams were of nothing but his ship. Legolas spent every hour at the havens, working continuously. Elesia would sit upon the beach and watch him as he work. Slowly, piece by piece, a ship appeared before her.

As Gimli's legs mended, he spent many hours alone in his room. He allowed only Legolas and Elesia to sit with him, as his dwarvish pride did not allow for him to let people see him so weak. Legolas was the only person he took council with. They would speak for long hours about how much and of what type of goods to bring with them on their journey.


Elesia sat within the great library of Gondor. In the past few weeks, Gimli's legs had mended enough to walk on crutches and he had spent many an hour studying the maps. He was hunched over the table, his mind heavy with concentration, as he try to memorize the ocean currents that were mapped out before him. Tomorrow he and Legolas would depart Middle-Earth and begin their long voyage to the Blessed Realm. He was so lost in thought that he had yet to notice that Elesia had left the table and was wandering the rows of ancient texts that lined the shelves of the great room. He mumbled a comment to her under his breath and it was only when he received no reply that his gaze rose from the maps. He saw her, and cursed himself a fool.

He left the maps and hobbled across the room to her.

"Forgive me." Gimli said. "I should have spent this afternoon enjoying your company, not pouring over maps. 'Tis a trivial thing now. If I do not know them at this late a date, there is no learning them in one sitting."

Elesia smiled at him. "To simply sit with you staring at maps was quite enough. I have gazed so long at them with you, I feel I shall see the journey in my mind as you travel along the seas."

"That maybe true. But there are heavier concerns on your heart today than the ocean breezes that blow along the sea." Gimli said.

She could only nod.

"I have not spoken to Legolas in many days." Elesia said.

Gimli nodded. "Nor I. His thoughts are consumed with the sea."

"I have felt his longing for the sea." Elesia said.

"Then I pity you. For it is not an easy thing to have." Gimli said. He look at her a long time. "Go to him. He has spent far to much of his last day upon Middle-Earth on the water. He will regret it and then I shall have to listen to his grief for endless days."

Following Gimli's advice she walked down to the beach. As the last of the twilight left the sky, she could see Legolas checking the top of the rigging one last time. He raised a hand in her direction and she waved in return. While she wait for him, she walk along the beach.

She looked out at the waves, it seemed a living thing in the darkness. More menacing than in daylight. The roar of the waves whispered to her, curses or blessings she could not be sure. But she did not dare turn her back on it. She did not hear his footsteps but she could sense his presence and turned to face him.

Legolas smiled. Since finishing the ship, he was happier than he had looked in many weeks. A great burden had been lifted from his spirit and he seemed himself again. They sat in the sand and stare out at the water.

"You are prepared for the journey?" Elesia asked.

"We are. Though, I think Gimli would like another lifetime to study those maps of his." Legolas said. "He does not understand that maps will be useless where we are going."

"There is so much I don't understand." Elesia said.

"As it should be. Would not the world be a dull place if you understood all that was within it." Legolas said. "I have your memories and yet, you remain a mystery to me."

He stared at her intently. In his eyes, the sea was raging. Elesia could see it as easily as she could see the golden color of his hair. It held her entranced. He reached out a hand and held her face gently. She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes.

She could feel his warm breath at her ear, as he whispered to her in Elvish. She knew not what he said, but she didn't need to. The tone of his voice spoke of love. She opened her eyes and look at him. He moved to her, lowering his lips towards hers. Before they could touch, she sprung to her feet. Legolas stood up beside her.

"I am sorry. I . . . I cannot." Elesia said, her eyes already stinging with tears. "I could not live with the memory of your kiss to know I could never have it again."

Before Legolas could say a word, she ran from him. Down the sandy beach. Tears streamed down her face as she ran, the sound the waves hiding her sobs. This time she knew what the waves were speaking of. They were not whispering curses or blessings but regret. Endless regret.

| Part XX |
| Index |