The Jewel of the Stars: Part I
by Erin

Luinëhothiel awoke to the bright morning sun, shining through the thin, gauzy curtains that hung over her paneless windows. Smiling, she welcomed the new day.

She rose slowly, relishing the comfort of her large bed and the warmth that had enveloped her throughout the night, knowing full well that it would soon be gone.

Reluctantly, she lowered her feet onto the fine wooden floor of her bedroom and picked herself up out of bed. She walked gracefully, almost floatingly, over to her small dressing table and withdrew her hairbrush from the topmost drawer. She began to groom her long, auburn hair with slow strokes that equaled its length but, she was quickly interrupted by a soft knock on her door.

“You may enter.” she replied, turning to face her guest.

Luinëhothiel smiled brightly when she saw who had come through the large, wooden door. It was her elder sister, Arwen. Luinëhothiel loved her sister dearly. She was her closest friend and most trusted confidante…she told Arwen things that she would never even dream of telling anyone else.

“How are you on this lovely morning, sister?” Arwen questioned, taking a seat on the edge of her sister’s bed.

“I am quite well. And yourself? I hope that you are well, also.” Luinëhothiel replied in quiet, singsong voice.

“Very well, indeed!” Arwen answered, a large smile playing across her delicate features.

“What news have you?” Luinëhothiel pried, knowing her sister was hiding something from her. “Oh, pray you, do tell!”

“I have the most wonderful news!” Arwen exclaimed, rising from the bed and moving closer to her sister in one graceful, fluid movement. She placed her hands on Luinëhothiel’s shoulders and spoke again. “My love, Aragorn, is to arrive at Rivendell within the hour!”

Luinëhothiel smiled, yet there seemed to be a hit of sadness there, as well.

“What is it, dearest sister?” Arwen asked, greatly concerned.

“Do not doubt me, sister…I am very happy that your love comes to see you, again. Yet, my heart is heavy. Have you no news of my sweet Prince of Mirkwood?”

Arwen smiled once again, her eyes shining with joy. “I do have some news of him…”

“Oh, sister!” Luinëhothiel exclaimed, capturing Arwen’s hands in hers. “Please tell me…else, I will die of a broken heart if you do not share your knowledge with me!”

“Well…”, Arwen began, squeezing her sister’s delicate hands with her own, “your Prince will accompany my Aragorn to Rivendell…and they arrive in only a short matter of time!”

Luinëhothiel sprang up from her chair and threw her arms around Arwen’s neck, kissing her on the cheek. “Oh, thank you, dear sister! You bring me news which makes my heart sing!”

“I knew you would be happy.” Arwen said, moving toward the door. “I leave you now…you must ready yourself for the arrival of your Prince.” she finished, closing the door behind her and leaving Luinëhothiel with a smile on her face, as well as in her heart.


Luinëhothiel had loved Legolas Greenleaf since the first time she’d laid her eyes on him. His luxurious, blond hair; his blue eyes which mirrored hers exactly; his stealthy, catlike movements and; most of all, the innocent smile that played across his face when he was up to something.

Oh, how she wished he knew her feelings. But, alas, he did not. In all the years she had known him, she’d never had the courage to let him know of the special place he held in her heart. Nor would she let Arwen utter a single word of it to him.

So, yes, her Prince was coming to Rivendell. Yet, not to see her. For he had no idea that she thought of him as her one and only love…her soul mate…the man she wanted to live out the rest of her days with. But, he would know. This time, she would tell him. She would not let him leave again without knowing the ways of her heart…she vowed this to herself.


Luinëhothiel readied herself with special care that morning. She made sure her fair skin was as soft as the spring breeze. She groomed her hair until it shone as if stars were sprinkled over her head. And, lastly, she chose her most elegant gown; made from light blue silk, which she had weaved and embroidered herself.

She slid her small feet into the delicate slippers that sat on the floor in front of her and walked over to her dressing table, once again. She gazed thoughtfully into the mirror for a moment but, quickly walked away when she heard her father’s voice calling to her.

She made her way down the large, marble staircase swiftly, yet elegantly. Her father and sister were waiting for her at the bottom.

Elrond opened his arms to her and she slid into them comfortingly. “You certainly live up to your name, Luinëhothiel Elemmírë. You are a jewel of the stars.” he commented, holding his youngest daughter away from him, surveying her carefully.

“Thank you, father. Your kind words fill my heart with joy.” she replied, kissing him gently on the cheek.

Elrond placed his arm around her shoulder and let the other do the same to Arwen. “Well, my two beautiful daughters, are we ready to greet our visitors?” he questioned, signaling that they’d arrived with a slight nod of his head toward the doors.

The two Princesses nodded and walked with their father through the doors and onto the landing. They smiled at their visitors and moved toward them.

Luinëhothiel walked over to Legolas as her sister greeted Aragorn with a slight bow and a soft kiss.

“Mae govannen, Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood.” Luinëhothiel greeted him, bowing her head to him. She could feel her heart racing from just being in his presence. She wished she could tell him of her feelings at that very moment but, alas, she could not. The fear inside her forbid it.

| Part II |
| Index |