The Other Side of Reality: Part III
by Alexandra
Legolas quietly crept from his room where Adalia was sleeping. She had worried herself into a fitful sleep, Legolas trying to calm her the whole time. She had been visibly shaken by the threat towards her daughter’s safety.
Their daughter. Legolas was still having trouble thinking of the child as his own. Either way, both Adalia and Rina had been threatened and such a thing only stirred up his anger.
He stopped outside the door to the man’s cell, Giliath at his side. “Why do you seek to attack Adalia and Rina?”
The man stared back at him defiantly. “Like I’m going to tell you, you prissy freak.”
Legolas’ eyes darkened with anger. “I shall ask you again. Why have you attacked Adalia and Rina?”
The man smirked. “Why should I tell you? The child is a waste of breath. And it’s a sad thing that I couldn’t finish killing that woman.”
Legolas’ temper fired up like an erupting volcano. He all but ripped the door from its hinges as he stalked into the room. His hand gripped the man’s throat of its own accord, pushing the man against the wall, holding him suspended above the ground. “I rule this country; it is well within my power to have you killed. Adalia is my wife. Rina is my daughter. So you have succeeded in angering not only a king, but also a husband and father as well. I want one good reason why I should not kill you now.”
The man’s eyes widened in fear as he felt Legolas’ fingers tighten around his neck. “I know… who’s hunting… your… wife and child!”
The man dropped to the ground, gasping for breath. He met Legolas’ darkened eyes. “Who?” the elf asked, his voice dangerously low.
He was greeted by silence. The man then groaned and clutched his head, obviously trying to avoid answering the question. Legolas sighed, knowing that he was not done with this man. “Leave him here,” he said to Giliath. “Send a healer to check his wounds, but keep a guard on him at all times.”
Giliath followed Legolas down the hall silently. He rarely saw the Elvenking in such a temper, only when things precious to him were threatened. “What are you going to do about the man?” he asked quietly.
Legolas stopped in front of the doors to his room. “I do not know. I do know that that man is the only lead we have at the moment. I will speak with him later. For now, I am going to spend time with my wife and daughter.”
He turned away from Giliath and entered into his room. A soft smile played across his lips as he saw Adalia, apparently deep in sleep. His love for her had never faded. He pulled off his tunic and tossed it to one of the chairs. Sneaking under the covers, he brushed Adalia’s long brown hair away from her face. Softly kissing the corner of her mouth, he wrapped an arm around her waist. He would protect both Adalia and Rina. He would give his life for them if the need arose.
Legolas was dozing in and out of sleep when he heard his door open. A soft padding of feet soon followed. He tensed, not daring to move. He soon relaxed though as he heard the whispered word, "Mommy?”
Adalia stirred. “What’s wrong angel?” she mumbled, half asleep.
“I had a nightmare,” the girl whispered. “I’m scared. Can I sleep with you and daddy?”
“Of course angel,” Adalia replied, yawning as she detached herself from Legolas and shifted to make room for Rina. The girl settled down between the two adults, falling asleep instantly.
Adalia yawned again as she pulled the covers over Rina. “I won’t be surprised if she has more nightmares.”
Legolas gently brushed some of the hair away from his daughter’s face. “They will stop eventually. Go back to sleep Adalia, you are tired.”
She chuckled softly, closing her eyes. “Too bad I don’t need to sleep like you. Wake me for breakfast.” The last word was slightly muffled as she dozed off. Legolas had to try not to laugh for fear of waking his wife and child.
Adalia sighed as she woke up, feeling refreshed. She opened her eyes and frowned when she saw neither Legolas nor Rina in the room. She stretched as she climbed out of bed, then pulled on a robe.
Leaving the room, Adalia headed off towards what she hoped was Legolas’ study. It was lucky for her that the layout of the palace had not changed. Winding her way through the halls, she smiled at the elves that passed, who in turn bowed to her. The action confused her, but she pushed it out of her mind as she came up to the thick oak door.
Hesitating for only a moment, Adalia knocked on the door. “Come,” came the spoken command in what was undoubtedly Legolas’ voice.
She smiled as she walked into the room, closing the doors behind her. “I thought I told you to wake me for breakfast.”
“You were sleeping so soundly that I did not have the heart to wake you,” he said with a smile from where he sat at a desk.
She sat on the edge of the desk and sighed. “Legolas, why were the elves bowing to me as I walked down the corridor?”
The Elvenking put down his pen and looked up at Adalia. “You do not know?”
Adalia shrugged. “I’ve hardly been here a day. No one’s told me much.”
Legolas stood up and held her hands. “Adalia, my father went into the West a few years ago. I am the King of Mirkwood now. You are my wife, lindor. Which means, that you are the Queen of Mirkwood.”
Adalia’s breath caught in her throat. “Me?” she asked, her voice coming in a squeak.
Legolas grinned. “Yes. And Rina is a princess.”
Adalia was near gaping at this statement. She had just thought that Thranduil was away for a time, he had been before. Now her husband was king and she was a queen. “Legolas, I know nothing of royalty.”
He just smiled. “That is quite all right lindor. The one that we would have to worry about is Rina.”
As if on cue, a knock came at the door. It opened soon after as the child poked her head inside. Rina gave a toothy grin as she ran over to Adalia. “Daddy said to let you sleep.”
Adalia smiled. “Well, I’m awake now. Angel, I need to talk to you.” Rina climbed onto one of the chairs and waited expectantly. “Rina, do you know what an elf is?”
Rina nodded. “They help Santa get ready for Christmas.” Legolas frowned at this answer. “But Giliath and Laurelin say that they are elves. I don’t think they help Santa.”
Adalia had to bite back a laugh at Legolas’ obvious confusion. “You’re right angel, they are too different elves. And Legolas is an elf too.”
“Daddy’s an elf?” she asked, bringing her eyes to him.
He smiled and nodded. “That means that you are half-elven.”
Rina’s eyes widened. “I’m an elf?”
“Partly, yes,” answered Adalia. “Rina, you also know that your father is king. That means that mommy is a queen and you are a princess.”
Rina’s smile grew, if such a thing was possible. “I’m an elfin princess?”
“Elven,” corrected Adalia. “An elven princess of Mirkwood. Do you understand angel?”
Rina nodded vigorously. “Do I get pretty dresses and a crown and a robe?”
Legolas smiled. “Later on. Now, I think Giliath was going to give you a riding lesson, if you go and find him.”
Rina nearly shrieked in delight. Without another word she jumped out of the chair and raced out of the study. Adalia chuckled. “She already loves it here.”
Legolas smiled as he sat back down at his desk. “I am glad. I believe that lunch will be served in an hour. I will meet you back at the room before then.”
Adalia watched him pick up his pen and start to read the papers in front of him. “Do you spend all your time in here doing kingly things?”
He raised his eyes and smiled. “More than I’d like. I have dreaded these days since Aeglos was slain during the Battle of the Five Armies.”
Adalia’s brow furrowed in confusion. “You never told me about Aeglos. Who is he?”
“He was my older brother, originally the heir to the throne of Mirkwood,” explained Legolas. “I was in Rivendell at the time, so Aeglos went with my father along with the army of Mirkwood to deal with the dwarves in the Lonely Mountain. He was slain in the Battle of Five Armies. When I returned home and learned of my brother’s death, I realized that I was now the heir to the throne.”
She sympathetically placed her hand over his. “I’m sorry. Were you close to him?”
Legolas sighed. “Yes and no. As a child, I nearly idolized my older brother. But as we grew older, he spent more and more time studying to be king. He became very adamant about taking over before he was killed. If he knew that I, the one who would prefer to be traveling as opposed to ruling, took charge.” He chuckled. “Aeglos would not be happy.”
Adalia smiled. “Still, I’m sure once he saw what a great leader you are, he wouldn’t grudge you the position.” She paused then took his papers and pen and set them on his desk. “I haven’t seen you for five years and you’re going to sit in here with your books? Come with me to the archery range, I could use some practice.”
Legolas didn’t have time to protest as Adalia grabbed his hand and pulled him from the room. “Lindor, I still have things to do.”
Adalia rolled her eyes. “They can wait. Let’s see if I can beat you at archery luchador.”
His eyes smiled at the challenge. “We shall see Adalia.”
As it turned out, Adalia’s skill with the bow had deteriorated through her five year absence. She grimaced as one of her arrows fell well past the target.
“You are too tense lindor,” Legolas admonished. “You forget to relax. Your stance is also wrong.” He pressed his body against hers, showing her the correct way to stand. Then pressing his cheek against hers to match their aim, he drew back the bowstring and let the arrow fly to plant itself into the center of the target.
Legolas only pulled his face away so he could look at Adalia, who had her eyes closed. With a grin on his face, he hooked one of his legs around her ankles. Adalia’s eyes flew open as she fell backwards, only to be caught inches from the ground.
“I did not know I still had such an affect on you lindor,” he whispered.
Adalia glared at him. “You have no affect on me luchador. I was only falling asleep due to your dullness.” She kicked out at his feet and he fell hard to the ground next to her in surprise. “A little unprepared there weren’t we?”
Legolas sat up and eyed Adalia’s grin. “You are most strange Adalia.”
She laughed from where she was still laying on the ground. “Well, obviously you like the strange ones since you fell for me.”
He chuckled and moved so he was hovering over her, one hand on either side of her head. “And I fell hard for the strangest of them all.” Leaning down, he passionately kissed her, one of the great many things he missed.
At the edge of the range, Giliath and Laurelin respectfully turned their backs. “Rarely have I seen the King so pleased,” observed Laurelin.
Giliath nodded. “It is only when Adalia is around that he is truly happy. I shall give him my message later, it can wait for a time.” The two walked off, leaving both Legolas and Adalia alone in the field.
| Part IV |
| Index |