When The Trees Sang: Part II
by Nicole

The midnight wind rustled through the trees of Garania's oversized flet and gently blew her skirts around her feet. She placed her hands on the railing and leaned far out, looking over the treetops towards the snowcapped mountain peaks in the far off distance. In all the time that she and Legolas had been married, he had never been away from her for more than a few weeks, much less months. However, though she loved him, she was strong, and quite able to manage without him. But still, she missed him enough to make her heart ache with pain. The moon glistened in the sky above her, and she closed her eyes, trying desperatley to make some sort of contact with the one she loved. After a few moments of unsuccessful trying, she gave up, and turned back to the large bed attached to the trunk of the tree. Far below her, several miles away, the remainder of the Fellowship laid, resting and dreaming of their long awaited return to Rivendell.


Legolas stretched himself out against the trunk of the tree, enjoying the feel of being in the forest once again. It had been so long since he had been anywhere outside of caves and dark mountains that he had nearly forgetten what it felt like to be among nature again. It was something he had missed greatly on this long journey that was coming to an end. He drifted off, still staring lazily at the sky, his eyes open as is the habit with the Elves. Aragorn glanced over at him, aware that he was sleeping. He let out a deep sigh and made himself a small "bed" beside the tree, and then allowed sleep to take him over, and drifted gently into dreams of Arwen.


Morning came soon enough, and the group awoke, rested, and eager to finally bring their journey to an end. Legolas was the first to awake, rousing the others with his singing. Gimli raised himself from the cold ground, angry and slightly bleary eyed. He muttered grumbles under his breath towards Legolas, and made his way over to his belongings to find his breakfast for the morning. The rest woke in much the same fashion, and soon, after they had eaten their breakfast of lembas and berries, they gathered up their things and started back on the path that led to Rivendell.

Several miles away, Garania gazed up at the leaves rustling above her, and smiled, knowing that today was the day that she would see Legolas once again. But amidst all of her happy thoughts, another thought, one much different, brought fear and apprehension that plagued her mind. Tonight was the night that Garania would be forced to tell Legolas the secrets that had been following her for much of her life. So much had she left unsaid between them. So much would be revealed this day. She had no desire to yet make him aware of these things. But she shook her head, as if to clear these thoughts from her mind, and climbed slowly out of the bed to begin readying herself for the day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As the sun rose higher over the mountains, the group neared closer and closer their destination. Legolas could hardly wipe the smile from his face as the gates of Rivendell came into view. Towering over them, he could see the palace, tall and stately in its grandeur. As they approached the gates, they came slowly open, as if welcoming them home from their tireous journey. They began to walk faster, until finally, their feet touched the soil of Rivendell, and they knew that the journey was finally over. Lord Elrond watched from his library, high above them, as they approached. He smiled to himself and went down to greet them. Garania saw them coming from far away and waited eagerly in her flet, not wanting to lose her composure when she went to greet them. When she saw them walk through the gates, her feet barely touched the ground as she flew down the stairs towards the palace steps. The group came closer, as Lord Elrond emerged from the great cavernous hall that was surrounded by forest and trees. The smile on his face grew as they neared him, arms outstretched, welcoming them back from their journey. He called to them as he walked.

"My friends! So happy to see you I am right now! Come, come, into the palace. Others await to welcome you back from your quest." They smiled, climbing the large steps to the large, open hall. Inside were Arwen, the rest of those who had been a part of the Council, members of the royal court, and several representing Elves from other kingdoms. Legolas searched the group, but saw no sign of Garania. His heart dropped in disappointment, and hurt from her not being there. Elrond noticed this, and spoke quickly to settle any doubts in his mind.

"Legolas, your wife is here. She is being summoned as we speak, as her advisors wished to have dealings with her as she made her way here to greet you on your return. She should be arriving any moment now."

As he spoke, a hush fell over the group standing in the hall. Down the large staircase that winded its way down the trunk of the enormous tree the castle was built upon, walked Garania, noble and beautiful as the day he had last seen her. She was followed by her advisors, two male Elves, and several she-elves, whom he assumed were her maids during her stay at Rivendell. She walked proudly, never for a moment forgetting who she was, or losing her composure to run to him and throw herself in his arms. With her head held high, she descended the remainder of the staircase, walking slowly over to where they stood. She walked in front of Legolas and looked deeply into his eyes, speaking volumes, but never saying a word. Her voice echoed sweetly and quietly in his mind.

"Legolas, my love, it has been far too long since last my eyes had the privilege of holding you in their vision. I have missed you much, melamin. Though I may not allow it to appear on the outside, do not doubt for a moment the love that I have for you, and the greatness of which my pain was for longing for you."

She smiled gently at him, and tore her gaze away, taking her place beside Elrond. He spoke to them, welcoming them.

"My friends....my allies....our heroes. With pride and honor we welcome you back here to Rivendell, as well as with open arms. For taking on a mission such as this, all that is pure and good in Middle Earth owes you more than we could ever offer. You have taken upon you a journey of great danger and difficulty, and surpassed it with all of the courage and strength that one could hold. We thank you from the deepest of our hearts, and hope that you will accept it from us as well as our great admiration for what you have achieved."

The Fellowship looked at him, then slowly, one by one, bowed to one knee before him, and lowered their heads in gratefulness. Then, slowly rose, and were greeted by the many who surrounded them on both sides. Garania watched as Legolas was showered with praise and thanks, as she stood watching by Elrond's side. She leaned over to whisper to him.

"I fear that Legolas will not take my revelations well tonight. I wish for you to be there as well. I would also like to tell the rest of the Fellowship, as I feel they have a right to know too. But I want to tell Legolas first, I owe him that much."

Elrond nodded, taking her hand gently into his.

"My lady, whatever you wish, you shall have. I will gladly stay there with you tonight, if you wish it so. Although I believe that your fears are unneeded. Legolas loves you, more than anyone could ever know. For this I believe that he will not be angry, or stray from you for that matter. Have faith, my child, for you would be suprised even yourself to learn the strength which resides in the heart of an Elf."

| Part III |
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