Tolkienian Rhapsody

by Alisha

Hobbiton, Shire
Starts out our fantasy
When Bilbo Baggins
Turned one and eleventy
To their surprise, he'd put on the Ring and leave
Frodo got Bag End, service of Sam Gamgee
And then it's Gandalf come, Gandalf go,
All confused poor Frodo
Then there came the Nazgul and they had to leave for Bree,
For Bree

Pippin, and Merry, too
Got swallowed by a tree but Tom came and set them free
Ghosties got them in the Downs
And Bombadil would save their butts again
Gandalf, ooh, didn't meet them at the inn
So Strider took them off to Rivendell
Where they'd meet all the elves, but wraiths got 'em at Amon Sul

"I'm cold, my shoulder's numb"
Sent Frodo on a horse, made it to the Ford of course
In the House of Elrond they patched him up
And had a talk to see about the Ring
Mordor, ooh, that's where they had to go
Hobbits, Gandalf, two men, dwarf and elf

Next day the Fellowship takes a mountain path
Caradhras, Caradhras, will it kill the Nine Walkers?
Avalanche and stone fall, very, very frightening all
Galadriel (Galadriel) Galadriel (Galadriel) Galadriel is not in this part
But, still take hea-a-a-art
"Let's go to Moria," offered up Gimli
There, off in Moria, Gimli had family
Frodo's foot was grabbed by a monstrosity
Balrog comes, Gandalf goes, off the bridge we go
Lothlorien! No, the dwarf does not think so
(Let's not go!) Lothlorien! Haldir won't let them go
(Ask Frodo!) Lothlorien! Haldir won't let them go
(Let's not go!) Will not let them go
(Ask Frodo!) Will not let them go (Let us go!)
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Galadriel, Galadriel gave Legolas a nice new bow
And Celeborn has some nice gifts set aside for me! And me! And me!

So you think you can shoot me and steal the small guys?
So you think you can shoot me and leave me to die?
Mr. Frodo, can't leave me behind Frodo
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right down to Mordor
Nothing really matters, just destroy the ring
But Sam I am quite glad, Sam I'm really glad you're with me.