Okay, we know darn well we can't actually keep Legolas. We'd like to, but we can't. So instead, we will hold onto things precious of him. Send me a request to keep something of Legolas. Please though. No keeping of anything of the actor and please keep it clean. Requests are taken on a first come first serve basis. Limit of two per person unless that changes. Intangible things like heart, soul, etc will be known as Guardianships. Again, only two per person unless the number is changed. Should it, I'll notify the list. Please do not make keeper requests on list since there is a good chance that I might miss it. Insane titles are unlimited and are dispersed on list.
The Keepers
Bridget: Keeper of Legolas's seemingly never ending supply of arrows
Jo: Keeper of his smile and those loverly pointy ears
Arvis: Keeper of Legolas's wonderfully silky golden hair
Alisha: Keeper of Spare Bowstrings
Erin: Keeper of Legolas's Hands
Kirsty: Keeper of Legolas's bow and of the braids in his hair
Callisto: Keeper of Legolas's gauntlets
Ainaharma: Keeper of legolas's statement when he shoots his bow, Keeper of Legolas's eyes
Lady Greenleaf: Keeper of Legolas's quiver
Drew: Keeper of Legolas' Boots
Midnight: Keeper of Legolas' Knives
KimmyLynn: Keeper of Legolas' Slender Fingers
Sam: Keeper of his Eyebrows and leather thongs (the ones that tie the end of
his plaits!!!)
MJ: Keeper of Legolas's Silver Shirt
Sam (2) Keeper of Legolas's lips
Deanna: Keeper of the smudge on Legolas' face after Moria
Camilla: Keeper of the Starlight in his eyes
Ambrosia:Keeper of the axe that he throws at Boromir
Madison: Keeper of Legolas' shoulders and feet
Trin: Keeper of Legolas's neck
Pharassero: Keeper of Legolas emergency sewing kit
Kelly: Keeper of Legolas's lovely little smile
krisoulette: Keeper of Legolas's swift feet
Mar: Keeper of Legolas's smooth skin
Bonnie: Guardian of Legolas's heart
Maura: Guardian of Legolas's soul
SerendipityHarleyQuinn: Guardian of Legolas's Immortality and Cat-Like grace
Lady Greenleaf: Guardian of the moment the Fellowship gets stopped by the elves in
Lothlorien (right after Gimli gives his cute little speech about how he won't be caught off guard) & Legolas is the only person with a weapon out
Drew: Guardian of Legolas' wisdom
Summer: Guardian of Legolas's Love
Carniline: Guardian of Legolas's Naughty Thoughts
Erin: Guardian of Legolas's Sadness and Joy
Camilla: Guardian of Legolas's Cat-like Reflexes
karleen: Guardian of Legolas' Keen Instincts and Sharp Senses
Rachael: Guardian of Legolas' Innate Grace and Beauty
Trin: Guardian of the sound of his voice
Eireann: Guardian of Legolas' strength and kindness
Robin: Guardian of Legolas's lineage
Penelope-Z: Guardian of Legolas' longing for the ocean
Nimroth: Guardian of his 'Always Conecentrating' attitude
Val: Guardian of Legolas' swiftness as he runs throught the Mines of Moria and of Legolas' bravery no matter what situation is
Jaya: Guardian of Legolas's Mind
krisoulette: Guardian of Legolas's True Aim
Mar: Guardian of his undying loyalty to Gimli
Lily: Guardian of his power
Marilyn: Guardian of Legolas's courage
Delelinde: Guardian of Legolas's way he walks on top of the snow on Caradhras while everyone else trudges through it
Other Keepers and Titles
Bridget: List Frodo, Keeper of the Spatula of Terror, Keeper of the Fudge of Doom
Shiraishi Mayumi: Official Keeper of the Legalos Fanship ML's Drool Bucket
Maura: List Missionary, List Sweetie
Jo: Official list clone beta tester/co-designer/co-creator
Asuka: Official Orc Chef, Keeper of the Frying Pan of Doom, Official list clone co-designer/co-creator
Midnight Official List Executive
Zea: Official watcher of the left halfling, List Voice of Reason, Keeper of the Ladel of Death
Calenisilwen: Official watcher of the right halfling
Penelope-Z: Official List Comedienne
Kelly: List Horseback Advisor & Offical Groom of Arod