The Parting
Series: Morning Star
Author: KimmyLynn
This Part: Saqarra has reached the fork in the road, where her journey must take her away from Legolas.
Disclaimer: The members of the Fellowship do not belong to me, and I have used them without permission. The quoted lyrics are from the song "The Ravens" by Meg Davis. The quote about fear comes from Johnny, the firewalker at TNRF. Saqarra's note to Legolas comes from the song "On The Edge Of The Forest", also by Meg. Saqarra belongs to me. No profit, no lawsuits.


There is no one left to keep me warm
My heart is bruised and tore
Why come you them, why come you then to knock upon my door?


The moon was high, and the sounds of the forest were beginning to dwindle. Saqarra arose from her place beside Legolas, careful not to awaken the sleeping elf. She knew that she had very little time, as he did not sleep long at a time. Looking around, she noticed that Boromir was missing. She sent up a silent prayer of thanks that he had the watch, it would make it far easier for her to leave without being seen. And leaving in secret was the best, as far as she was concerned. Although the parting made her heart heavy, she knew that there was no other way. They had their journey, and she had hers. And no matter how much she wished things to be different, the fact remained that she was not a part of their quest; and they did not belong on hers. It was something that they all understood, the unspoken knowledge that they would eventually take different paths; and perhaps forever be parted one from another.

She silently gathered her things, motioning for Amirilli to scout ahead. The hawk took wing, forgoing her usual cries in deference to her master's need for stealth. Moving to where Tor stood sleeping, she gently untied his reins, doing her best not to awaken Bill as she did so. The stallion looked at her sadly, having grown fond of the little pony; and not yet ready to leave his company. She patted his neck, whispering her regrets at the parting as she led him toward the forest path. He followed her loyally, ready to follow her wherever she would go. As they reached the path, she turned for one final glance at those who had brought her joy of late. She would miss them terribly, hold them in her heart for a thousand years and never forget their smiles and their laughter. As she turned to go, she was startled by the presence of Sam before her.

"Then you are going?", he asked softly.



"Sam, why do you ask questions to wich you aready have the answer? From the beginning, I made it clear that this day would come. The fork in the road has come, and our journeys now taken us down different paths.", she whispered.

"You don't have to do this, you don't have to go. Tristan is gone, the curse is broken. Let the past die Saqarra, and step into the light of today."

"The past Sam, is never dead. And yes, Tristan is gone. There is nothing that can change that, I am well aware of that. But I live, and so does he that cursed us both. As long as he still breathes, my journey is not done. I will have my vengeance, one way or another. I will find him, and one of us will die."

"And you are not afraid?"

"Yes, I am afraid. But fear has reigned too long as the emperor of the mind, it will rule me no longer."

"I will miss you.", he said; tears welling up in his eyes.

"As I will miss you Samwise, every day of my life.", she said; bending to hug him tightly.


Death came disguised as soldiers,
Death came disguised as war.
Death comes disguised as a starlit night,
And he call my name once more.


Pulling away from him, she smiled sadly; ruffling his hair one last time. He smiled back at her, valiantly holding back the sobs that threatened the stillness of the night. He watched as she mounted her horse, tears flowing down her cheeks unheeded. Suddenly her eyes found his, a grief so pure burning in their golden depths. She pulled a small piece of paper from the folds of her dress, leaning down to hand it to him.

"I would ask one final thing of you, if you would it."

"Of course.", he said; taking the note.

"Give this to Legolas when he awakens. And tell him that I am sorry.", she said; spinning Tor around suddenly and disappearing into the shadow of the night.


Legolas stood on the fallen log, his eyes wet with tears. It was not like him to cry, not really in his nature to show emotion at all. But the words on the small piece of paper in his hands had changed that, had broken through the barriers that surrounded his heart. Like the others, he had known that this day would come. But he had never expected it to come so soon. Part of him had hoped that Tristan's death would delay the inevitable, that it would dampen her need for vengeance. His heart had hoped that his love would hold her, bind her to his side for just a little while. He had been wrong on both counts. She was gone, had snuck away like a thief in the night; leaving him nothing save for a few words on a small piece of paper.

Behind him, he could hear the sounds of the others breaking camp. He sighed heavily, not yet ready to face the day's journey. For the first time, Legolas found himself wishing that he had never gone to Rivendell; never offered to come on what now seemed a fool's journey. If he had remained in Mirkwood, had simply left the task to someone else, he would not know the despair that now burned in his soul. His heart would not be sorely broken, ripped from his chest. He would never have seen the Morning Star, never have heard his name whispered in the night by a voice as soft as summer rain. Grief would have never touched him, and tears would have been strangers to his eyes.

Life would have been simpler, had he chosen not to come on the journey. There was no denying the truth of that, no point in even trying. But, simple was not always better. True, he would not have known such despair as he now knew. But neither would he have known the love of such friends as he now had, or the pure joy of falling in love with someone who accepted you just as you were. Looking down at the paper in his hand, he read once more the words of the one he loved more than life.

Another time, another place....and I might have stayed. But I can not forget all the dark promises I've made. So, alone I must wander. My thoughts will be of you. Perhaps in time you may understand this. And all the soft things I do, will be echoes of you.

~With Love,

Yes, simpler was not always better. Sometimes the pain brought you clarity, made things more real. Besides, no one could forsee where the journey would take them. Perhaps further down the road, Saqarra would be waiting. Turning from the rising dawn, he tucked the note deep within his tunic; close to his heart. Gathering up his things, he followed his friends off into the morning and down the road to a future that was uncertain at best; but full of hope.


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