The Other Side of Reality: Part VI
by Alexandra

Over the course of the next months, all of Mirkwood rejoiced that a newborn was on the way. Though Adalia was not far off in saying that the months would be hard. Legolas was often frustrated with her mood swings.

She would yell at him and then promptly burst into tears. He tried to comfort her as much as he could, but sometimes even his patience was tried.

This was how things had been and still were. Though his concern for her safety never wavered, sometimes he came to wonder if he was being paranoid. There had not been so much as a note from Aeglos and the man had refused to answer more questions. Adalia was becoming more insistent about moving around through the periods of restlessness and watchfulness.

"I can’t be cooped up here any more!" shouted Adalia one morning. "I’m not a piece of porcelain that is going to break!"

"Lindor, Aeglos is still around! I am only caring for your safety!"

Adalia dropped onto the bed and burst into tears. "I’ve been such a beast to you and all you’re trying to do is help me. You probably hate me."

She cried harder and Legolas sat next to her, drawing her into his arms. "Adalia I could never hate you. I love you with all my being. I am just trying to protect you and our children." He placed his hands over her swelled middle. "You are my life. I have a few things to do, but why don’t you go for a walk with Rina? I’ll catch up with you."

Adalia sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Thank you so much Legolas. I’ve been horrible and you’ve been nothing but patient. If I was you I would have kicked my ass long ago."

He chuckled, smoothing her hair. "You warned me long ago and I could never hurt you. Besides, there is only one more month left."

She couldn’t help but smile and kiss him. "One more month. Now go finish your work so you can join us. I’ll go find Giliath because I know you will if I don’t."

He smiled. "Indeed I would. Now go on, I shall catch up." She kissed him again before leaving the room to find Rina.


"Rina be careful!" shouted Adalia, watching her daughter climb up a tree. "Her elvish side is starting to take over."

Giliath chuckled. "She has the curiosity and energy of all children. She will not fall, she is a wood-elf."

Adalia rolled her eyes. "Still. She hadn’t grown up in a forest. For now I’d feel better if she were on the ground." She paused and looked through the trees. "Where in the world did she go? Rina!"

Laurelin, who had been walking quietly behind them, moved forward to look through the trees. Adalia and Giliath were behind her when she looked up and gave a startled cry.

An elf jumped down from the branch, holding the struggling child. His muddy blonde hair hung loosely about his shoulders, pushed back behind his pointed ears. He was taller than most as well as stronger; he kept a firm grip on Rina. Adalia knew who he was immediately, for his eyes were identical to Legolas’.

"Aeglos," hissed Giliath, and he had an arrow notched before she could blink. "Drop the child," he growled, stepping closer to Adalia.

"Why Giliath," said Aeglos in mock shock. "I am surprised at you. Surely you would follow your king?"

"Legolas is my king," he replied. "You are not. Now put the little one down."

Aeglos tightened his hold on the child and she cried out in pain. "Rina!" shouted Adalia, taking a step towards them.

Giliath drew the string of his bow back further. "Put down the child," he said again.

Adalia cried out in surprise as Giliath slumped suddenly to the ground, a bleeding cut on his head. A man stood behind them, the tip of his sword pointed at Adalia. Giliath had been so focused on Aeglos that he did not notice the human behind him.

Aeglos cursed and brought his hand to his shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding of the wound caused by Giliath’s loosed arrow. He dropped Rina in the process and Adalia took the chance to swing out at the man behind her as the forgotten Laurelin knocked Aeglos to the ground.

"Run Rina!" yelled Adalia, dodging the man’s blade as best she could. "Run to the palace, go find your father!"

Rina disappeared through the trees. Adalia froze as another man appeared from the trees. She now had two swords trained on her, one at her throat and the other at her stomach. Aeglos nearly snarled as he threw Laurelin off of him.

"We do not need the child," he growled, ripping off a piece of his tunic and tying it around his wound. Turning then to Laurelin who had recovered from her fall, he gave her orders. "You will return to my brother and you will tell him that I have his wife and unborn child. Simply tell him that Hithaeglir welcomes me, and he shall know where to find me. Now go!"

Laurelin looked at Adalia, not wanting to leave her alone. But when the woman nodded with permission, the elf also disappeared into the trees. Aeglos then turned his gaze to the prone form of Giliath. "Leave him here," he growled. "A little present for my brother."

"Guess someone always got coal at Christmas," muttered Adalia.

Aeglos glared at her. "You best be quiet mortal."

Adalia rolled her eyes, though she was absolutely terrified of what he would do to her. "Yeah, well don’t bet on it." Before they could do anything, she let loose with an ear-splitting scream, praying that someone would hear her.

She cut off abruptly as she slumped to the ground, bleeding from the head. One of the men had struck her with the blunt end of his sword to quiet her. Aeglos glared at her limp form in distaste. "It could not be helped. Come, bring her and let us leave before my brother comes." One of the men picked up Adalia’s limp form as they followed the elf through the trees.

Giliath opened his eyes a crack, seeing that they had left. He tried not to moan as he sat up, clutching at his head. He had been woken by Adalia’s scream, though he did not show it. Glancing around, he saw that both Rina and Laurelin were gone. Hoping they went to go get help, he stumbled after Aeglos.


Legolas nodded at the report that one of his advisors had for him, eager to get out of his study. He was about to adjourn the meeting when Rina burst through the doors, crying profusely and screaming for him.

"Rina?" he asked, quite startled. Kneeling in front of her she threw herself into his arms, dampening his tunic with her tears. "Rina what’s wrong?"

"Mommy," she started before starting to cry again.

"Rina, where’s your mother?" he asked, fear and concern starting to grip his mind.

"She has been taken by Aeglos," said Laurelin who stumbled into the room, exhausted. "He surprised us as we were walking. Giliath was the only one with his bow and he was rendered unconscious. Then Aeglos dropped Rina and she ran. He gave me a message to give to you and Adalia told me to go."

"What did he say?" Legolas asked, his voice dangerously low.

"Aeglos said to tell you that he has your wife and unborn child. He also said that Hithaeglir welcomes him, if you want to find him."

"Do you know anything else?"

She hesitated. "When I was coming back, I heard Adalia scream. It cut off abruptly and I heard no more."

Legolas paled. He hugged Rina closer to him, thankful that she was safe. Looking up he said, "Send the word about what has happened. Aeglos will pay for all that has taken place. And if Adalia has been hurt." He let the sentence hang in the air, letting those present know that he would not even try to restrain his anger. "We leave as soon as possible for the Misty Mountains, the place that I know Aeglos to be." With that, he picked Rina up in his arms and left the room.

| Part VII |
| Index |